Let Me Tell You About Madrid

$ 14.00

What's best to do in Madrid? This handy guide has the answers - 36 of them.

The selections run the gamut of the city’s attractions and its idiosyncracies. From the relative safety of a cable car we gaze down at the vast expanse of the Casa de Campo, explore shops selling gloves, camping gear, old postcards and espadrilles, visit an abandoned station and one with its own forest. Refreshment is on hand throughout: cerveza, jamón, bacalao and innumerable other delights essential to keep the visitor well-nourished in this great city in Spain.


A3 (297x420mm) folded to A6 (105x148mm).

Origin & Care

Designed by Riley Cran.

Litho-printed in England on recycled paper.

Herb Lester-Herb Lester Madrid guide-Madrid travel guide-Madrid map-Herb Lester Madrid map-Idun-St. PaulHerb Lester-Herb Lester Madrid guide-Madrid travel guide-Madrid map-Herb Lester Madrid map-Idun-St. PaulHerb Lester-Herb Lester Madrid guide-Madrid travel guide-Madrid map-Herb Lester Madrid map-Idun-St. PaulHerb Lester-Herb Lester Madrid guide-Madrid travel guide-Madrid map-Herb Lester Madrid map-Idun-St. Paul

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