Maplewood, MN

Favorite spot in the Twin Cities?
Walking along Summit Ave. I love homes with character.

Coffee, tea, or cocktail (and how do you take it)?
Black tea with either almond milk or soy vanilla creamer.

In a few words, explain your style:
A true Minimalist in style and my life. I stick to a very neutral color palette. I hate clutter and having money sit in my closet. Everything has to have purpose!

Any daily rituals?
I start my day by making a cup of tea then heading back into bed and reading a book or listening to a podcast.

One piece of advice you've taken to heart:
Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.

Building Block Key Coil; EYTYS Mother Canvas Sneaker; DASEIN Winter Nights Fragrance; Grown Alchemist Mandarin/Rosemary Leaf Body Cream; Priory Mune Cardigan; Maison Kitsune Fancy Jogg Pant; Master & Dynamic MH30 Silver Headphones.

Which is your favorite?
The best looking key chain award goes to the Building Block Key Coil. The design is innovative and chic while being practical. I don't think I can ever lose my keys again!

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