Packing List With Dahlia Brue

As temperatures drop here in the Twin Cities, and the seemingly never ending cold begins to set in, finding refuge somewhere warm becomes top priority; to thaw off the freezing feeling (physically) and humdrum (mentally) of daily existence in a real life snow globe.

Dahlia Brue shares her packing list for her up and coming tropical hiatus...  

- Mara Hoffman's Lua Swim Top + Lydia Swim Bottoms
- Zoca Sunscreen Stick
- Mara Hoffman's Perdita Dress
- Stora Skuggan's Moonmilk Perfume
- What is Culture For? by The School of Life (How to find compassion, hope and perspective in the arts)
-Delarge, Distangle Sunglasses in champagne 
- Mara Hoffman's Lolita Dress

Shop the full resort collection and find something exciting to bring along on your next warm vacation HERE.


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