Apartamento Cookbook #4: Eggs

The fourth annual Apartamento cookbook, an homage to eggs, compiles favorite egg recipes and the stories behind them from 16 of the world’s best chefs, food lovers and culinary taste makers, from Tokyo to Tunis.


"I don't like fried eggs very much - only if they are done in one particular way. This technique is based on a classic French recipe I read when I was a kid, from Fernand Point, the chef behind La Pyramide. According to him it's the only way to cook fried eggs. Point drank a magnum of champagne every day; he lived a very good life. I only cook fried eggs when I am feeling very ambitious and I have an ample amount of butter on hand." 

INGREDIENTS (serves 1)
1 egg
100g butter
1 sprig thyme and some picked leaves
1 garlic clove
Salt and pepper
2 pans (one non-stick or cast-iron pan and one saucepan)

First, you need a very good egg and very good butter to make this recipe. In the restaurant we like to use butter made from the milk of a Jersey cow named Ursula, and the eggs come from the chickens of the Maran breed. 
Heat up about half of the amount of butter in a non-stick or cast-iron frying pan, then warm the thyme and the smashed garlic clove in it. When the butter sizzles- the pan needs to be quite hot- crack the egg into the pan and cook it on one side. Simultaneously set up a small saucepan to heat the rest of the butter. When you start to see some caramelisation on the edges of the egg and the white is still not set, pour the hot butter over the white and finish with some over the yoke. Immediately remove the egg from the pan and dress with salt and pepper. Finish with some of the pan butter.  

Buy Apartamento Cookbook #4 HERE.


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