To stir up purposely; provide a needed stimulus 
Only Love Is Real_Design
/ Only Love Is Real / A celebration of elementary shapes, handmade construction, and a reminder that “only love is real…and it’s the law.” This Is Paper.
/ Q+A with Chef Magnus Nilsson / “What I do is document things that actually happened, and explain cultural occurrences mainly within food and mainly within the Nordic region — sometimes they turn out pretty to look at, too, which is an added bonus." Star Tribune.
/ W.D. Snodgrass, The Art of Poetry No. 68 / “You want to do something different. You want to do something new. And if you find that you’ve done that, of course that’s a satisfaction—for about ten minutes.” Paris Review.
/ Return to Film / Fashion photographers are shooting film to differentiate their work, regain control over their craft and find a more human pace. Business of Fasion.
/ Color in Context: Nude / Creating a more inclusive illustration of color and skin tone in fashion, music, and art. AnOther.

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